Africa's Leading Supplier of Food Processing Systems


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Telephone: +27 11 664 8212




With the Coronavirus (Covid-19) being classified a Pandemic worldwide and South Africa closing many of our borders and restricted nonessential national air travel, many of you are undoubtedly concerned how this will impact trading at BMPE. We are very sensitive to the situation; however, we are still visiting customers for installations and any urgent after sales requirements, whilst ensuring all the precautionary measures are adhered to, to safeguard you and our team.

We are maintaining constant communication with our international suppliers, and they have reassured us of their commitment to supply machinery, equipment and products. Currently there are no delays on our expected shipments from international suppliers, but this could change.

Should you require information on the current stock of clips and machinery kindly contact us

We have taken all the necessary precautions to provide the BMPE team with the appropriate hygiene products i.e. hand sanitisers, disposable gloves and anti-bacterial hand wash. BMPE has limited the number of visitors to the facility and viewing will be by appointment only.

It is a very concerning time for the entire world so let us unify as a nation and work towards a common goal of being safe, taking the appropriate steps to protect ourselves and helping people in need.

Should you have queries please do not hesitate to contact us

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